
Quality & Policies

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Quality & Policies


At Moore Concrete, we believe quality is key to our survival and growth. Quality is the responsibility of every person that has involvement with our products from planning stages through manufacture to delivery. Quality is our reputation, our brand and who we are. We are proud of every product produced, this is why Quality is so high in our company values.

The Moore Concrete Quality Department has been developed over the years to assure excellence of our products.

Our Goal

The goal of the company is to become a world class manufacturing facility and the quality department mirrors this. We use our bespoke web-based quality management system, QuikTrace, which gives a live feed of material tests, results, the ongoing production process inspections and tests being carried out on the finished products. For Civil infrastructure projects, this allows our customers to monitor their quality assurance documents as they are created.

Our Capabilities

We have an on-site QC Laboratory to ensure all materials meet the required specifications. This careful monitoring facilitates traceability from the raw material to the finished product. Tests include material grading, fresh & hardened concrete to ensure we meet the requirements of BSEN 206 & BS 8300. We have manufactured bespoke precast units for a wide variety of prestigious, award winning Civil infrastructure projects. We specialise in precast units for Road, Rail, Coastal Defence & Construction. Our wealth of experience, world class vision and continuous investment ensures we produce quality solutions specifically suited to meet the demands of individual clients. We have been recognised by the Concrete Society in 2015, 2017 and 2019 for our contribution to multi-million pound schemes.

Our Strong Reputation

Moore Concrete has a strong reputation as a provider of high quality precast concrete products. We operate an ISO 9001 accredited quality management system developing project/product specific Quality Control Plans to ensure all our output and the general performance of the business is in line with or exceeds our Clients’ requirements. We also hold accreditations to ISO 45001, ISO 14001, Constructionline Gold, RISQS, CARES, RoSPA and Investors in People.

Our Policies


Anti-Bribery Policy
CARES Product Conformity Certification
CE Marking
Company Registration Certificate
Construction Line Gold Member
Electricity Green Renewable Energy Supply Certificate
Environmental Management ISO 14001
Environmental Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Health & Safety Policy
ICO Certificate
Investors In People
Modern Slavery Act
Occupational Health & Safety Management ISO 45001
Privacy Policy
Quality Management ISO 9001
Quality Policy
RISQS Certificate

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